Case study ties asbestos-tainted talcum powder to mesothelioma

As we’ve discussed on this blog, thousands of lawsuits have been brought against Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and other products containing talc. Those cases allege that using J&J’s talc-based products for routine hygiene caused mesothelioma or ovarian cancer. Unfortunately for the plaintiffs, it can be difficult to prove what specific product or practice caused

Jury imposes $8 billion punitive damages against J&J for Risperdal

Thousands of lawsuits involving the drug Risperdal have been filed against Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The main complaint by most of the young men suing is that taking Risperdal caused gynecomastia, or the abnormal development of breasts. Many plaintiffs were prescribed Risperdal as minors and none were told they might

Without admitting fault, J&J reaches opioid deal with 2 counties

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ohio had the second-highest rate of fatal opioid overdoses in the country in 2017. West Virginia led the nation in per capita opioid deaths. That’s part of the reason why Ohio is central to the National Prescription Opiate Litigation, where thousands of cases against opioid manufacturers

Utah lawmaker aims to make driving while THC-positive a felony

The legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes has revealed a serious issue in DUI enforcement. In the past, when marijuana was illegal throughout the United States, jurisdictions generally had zero tolerance laws for THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis. That meant that being caught driving with any detectible amount of THC in your

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