What is CTE?

Your brain is the epicenter of every emotion you feel, every decision you conclude and every move you make. That is what makes brain injuries so dangerous. Even one injury could significantly affect your physical abilities as well as your mental and emotional health.

A single brain injury could pose a significant risk, but what happens if individuals suffer several brain injuries over time?

CTE might be the dangerous result of repeated brain injuries

Multiple, successive brain injuries could lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE is a degenerative brain disorder that can cause individuals to:

  • Lose brain mass;
  • Experience memory loss;
  • Exhibit volatile behavior;
  • Experience depression; and
  • Face difficulties with motor skills.

Since some of these symptoms are similar to the early ones of dementia, or even mere aging, it is easy to mistake these symptoms for something other than CTE. This is especially true since these symptoms might not develop until years after the repeated brain injuries occur.

Football players are more prone to develop CTE

Athletes involved in contact sports face some of the highest risks of sustaining CTE – especially football players.

Most people in Tennessee and around the country nowadays know the risk of concussions or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that football players face. The, contact and often bone-jarring tackling between playerscontributes to their risk of CTE, which is alarmingly high.

In 2017, Time reported on a study that found 110 out of 111 NFL players who had passed away had CTE. That is 99% of the players studied. And roughly 87% of players at all levels, including high school and college, suffered from CTE.

What can you do?

If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury, you know how stressful and scary it can be. The risk of CTE might cause you to worry even more, but there are ways you can reduce the risk of CTE you and your loved ones face, including:

  • Always wearing seat belts when operating or riding in a vehicle;
  • Wearing a helmet when on a motorcycle or bicycle;
  • Taking measures to prevent slip and fall accidents in your home or workplace; and
  •  Ensuring athletes, especially football players, wear a helmet and avoid head contact collisions.

Even though you might be able to collect compensation if your brain injury resulted from another person’s negligence, it is critical to take measures to avoid serious head injuries. After all, you would much rather have your good health, or the good health of your loved one, rather than a good lawsuit. Taking small steps to prevent head injuries – especially repeated head injuries – can make a significant difference, whether in your daily life or the game of football.

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