Month: June 2016
Supreme Court ruling impacts Tennessee blood alcohol test rule
While the idea of a DUI seems simple in itself (someone is accused of driving under the influence) DUI laws are actually quite complicated. The laws vary from state to state. Penalties will vary. Authorities’ rights might vary. Someone who is suspected and/or accused of driving drunk is easily confused. Sometimes, the Supreme Court of
Summer vacation and the risk of underage drinking
Grown-ups see their kids celebrate their last day of school and sigh, “Wow, how awesome was it to have a summer break!” Many parents might also remember, however, the kind of fun that they and their friends tried during their summers. Sure, not everyone tries drinking as teens, but for those who wanted to try
Your financial life is at stake in a DUI case
When it comes to drunk driving charges, many people only see, and think about, the surface. They see the drunk driver and just think “oh, that person is guilty.” They think about the penalties the driver will face, and they think “well, they deserve it.” However, as with most issues in life, there is so
Alleged DUI accident leads to charges for woman
According to police, a fatality related to driving under the influence recently occurred in Tennessee. This alleged DUI fatality was one of a total of 41 collisions that took place during the Memorial holiday enforcement campaign of one police department in the state. The woman who died in this vehicle crash was 60 years old.